Libro electrónico

Guía de cajas de envío de cartón corrugado

Desde el exterior, la industria de cajas de cartón corrugado tiene muchas variaciones, reglas y terminología personalizada. Deja que te ayudemos a comprender todo lo que necesitas saber para obtener las mejores cajas de cartón para envíos según tus necesidades particulares.
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El cartón corrugado se fabrica al pegar al menos una hoja plana de papel a una hoja de papel corrugada (ondulado). Quizá manejas a diario cartón corrugado, y es probable que llegue a tu puerta mucho más a menudo estos días.

Desde el exterior, la industria de cajas de cartón corrugado tiene muchas variaciones, reglas y terminología personalizada. Los profesionales de la industria casi nunca usan el término “cartón” y prefieren decir “cartón corrugado” en su lugar. Nos gustaría darte una guía práctica de la industria. Con más de 40 páginas de contenido, dominarás la terminología del cartón corrugado antes de que te des cuenta.

Lo que aprenderás sobre las cajas de envío de cartón:

  • Los diferentes estilos de cartón corrugado más usados en la industria
  • Cómo adquiere su resistencia el cartón corrugado y cómo lo probamos
  • Qué estilos de caja se usan en la industria y cómo se usan
  • Cómo entender las clasificaciones de nombres tanto para el cartón corrugado como para las cajas
  • Por qué el cartón corrugado es el mejor material de empaque para usar
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Foto de un pedido de comercio electrónico de varios artículos Atomic en un sistema transportador antes de empacar con una solución Packsize.
El equipo hizo un trabajo sobresaliente, ambos exámenes se aprobaron con un 97 % de disponibilidad. ¡Que venga la próxima temporada de esquí!
Gabriele Meilinger
Atomic D&T/Gerente de almacén
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Foto de cajas del tamaño adecuado en un transportador en CEVA Logistics antes del empaque final.
Ahora, tenemos una caja perfectamente ajustada para cada pedido, lo que genera menos costos de transporte y una huella ambiental más pequeña.
Mark Romme
Gerente de proyecto
CEVA Logistics
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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A photo of the POCO Logistics Center in Böhnen, Germany. Here, boxes are packed with a Packsize packaging solution.
Con las cajas estándar, necesitas mucho material de relleno; de lo contrario, los artículos pedidos se pueden golpear y dañar. El empaque bajo demanda es una situación en la que todos ganan: ahorra costos de envíos y materiales y protege el medio ambiente.
Christian Strödter
Gerente de proyecto
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A photo of right-sized packages produced on a Packsize solution, on a conveyor in a warehouse
From the beginning, when we first met the Packsize team, we were very impressed with the overall mission and purpose of the team. We saw how those core values really materialize themselves from the top, all the way through the organization. As we started to look through the solutions [Packsize] offers, they were a perfect fit for what we were looking for, and then as we've continued the journey of starting, not just this project, but multiple projects, it's been a great experience working with the team end-to-end.
Shaun Bunch
Chief Supply Chain and Retail Officer
Northern Tool
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